Monday, January 3, 2011

i start 2011 in a new normal...

i found out right before christmas that ny husband has lied again. and he actually thinks that it is repairable. i am amazed at his ignorance. please pray that asi take these next very deliberate and well thought out steps.

i will miss the idea of a family. i sometimes thought we could atually pull it off.

it's odd but i glad my parents are not living to see this. i know they would hurt with me over this. and that would be a comfort because they rarely felt anything where i was concerned.

but it is all good...  have a great 2011!

Friday, December 24, 2010

this is the one thing i know for certain...

i'm not you, and you're not me. i find great comfort in that, don't you?

so it's Christmas time again...

so i wish you well, i wish you peace, and i wish you a passion for 2011.

a passion to change just 1 thing in your life for a day that makes life better for at least 1 other person. ever thought about really listeningto someone rather than waiting to respond?  that's called kindness and it doesn't cost a thing but to think that maybe - just maybe - what someone needs is just a little less of your voice and a little more of your eyes.  

hopefully your passion can turn into your purpose for 2011. then with

365 days to make 365 changes there is no limit to the graces we can share!!